Diecaster-Box Program

Starting Your Diecaster Box

Welcome to your Diecaster-Box: Start your "Diecaster-Box" program with our "Start Diecaster-Box" shipping option. This will be your first step to creating a diecaster box of your favorite diecast models available on our website.
We Store It, You Fill It: Once you select "Start Diecaster-Box" we'll store your initial order at our warehouse. This option will allow you to continue shopping without worrying about paying shipping fees each time.

Adding To Your Diecaster Box

Free Shipping on Additional Orders: For each subsequent order, choose the "Add to My Diecaster Box" shipping option. It's completely free! These orders will be added to your Diecaster Box without any additional shipping fees.
No Hurry: Take your time! You're allowed to keep adding to your box at your own pace. We'll store all your items securely until you're ready for them to be shipped.

Ready To Ship?

Contact Us to Ship: When you're ready to ship, simply get in touch with us. We'll prepare your Diecaster Box for shipment.
Diecaster Box Closure: We'll confirm all the items in your Diecaster Box, transfer it to our Shipping Department and prepare it for shipping (please allow 24-48 business hours for this process).

Diecaster-Box Terms & Conditions

    Storage Period: Please note that we can ONLY hold your items for a maximum of 6 months from your first "Start Diecaster-Box" order (no exceptions).
    Extra Shipping Costs: If your Diecaster Box reaches a certain size or weight, additional shipping fees will apply. We'll always contact you before to discuss this with you.